WEP Key Changer (WepKC) Wep key changer (WepKC) is a client/server application that allows you to protect your ad-hoc (point to point) wireless network when you are unable to use (due to software or hardware limitations) sophisticated protocols like WPA. The program consists out of two parts: * the wepkcd daemon, which randomly changes the WEP key after a specified amount of time and sends the chosen key, encrypted with AES, to the wepkcc client * the wepkcc client, which receives the key through the encrypted channel and changes the WEP key in the client machine The server also waits for packets ("pings") from the client, resetting the WEP key to a defined value when the client goes down and stops pinging the server. If someone tries to use the wireless network without contacting the server, the connection will be dropped repeatedly in order to prevent further annoyance from strangers (please note that this feature, at the moment, works only on *nix systems). And it's very easy to setup and use. Requirements: - System requirements for *nix systems * python 2.4 * python crypto, available here: http://www.amk.ca/python/code/crypto - System requirements for Windows systems * Windows XP with Service Pack 2 installed (at least at the moment. We'll try to make WepKC compatible with all Windows versions in the future. Please stay tuned or help us developing the Windows code.) * A working wireless configuration obtained through the Wireless Network Setup Wizard. More information here: http://wepkc.sourceforge.net/ufd-details.html * python 2.4, from http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.4.3/python-2.4.3.msi * python crypto, available here: http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/modules.shtml#pycryp * python for Windows extensions, available here: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/pywin32/pywin32-209.win32-py2.4.exe?download However, all needed modules and extensions are included into the WepKC package for your convenience. Just look into Windows-install and Linux-install directories. Configuration: The easiest way to configure WepKC is by using the setup.py script provided in the package. We suggest to do the configuration (for both client and server) all at once on a single machine, then to copy the appropriate configuration files or to complete setup on the other computer. Configuration files with a lot of comments are available in the package as examples. Please refer to them for fine tuning, as setup.py configures only the most relevant parameters. Usage: Make sure you've installed all the required software (look into the Windows-install and Linux-install directories in the package) and configured both the client and the server on your machines (by running setup.py), then run: * wepkcd.py - which is the daemon (server), on the first computer * wepkcc.py - which is the client, on the second one Remember that you'll need root privileges (or setuid root) on linux and administrator privileges on Windows. Contacts: asus at asus dot homelinux dot com asus dot tin at virgilio dot it miky_tux at email dot it Project home page: http://wepkc.sourceforge.net/